Parrots, Budgies, Canaries


Basic Statistics:Exotic Pet

  • Average lifespan 12-100 years (usually larger birds are longer lived).
  • Age at puberty 5 months- 5 years (breed dependant).
  • Average incubation 14-28 days.
  • Adult size 80-1000g (again breed dependant)

General Facts

  • Single vs. Multiple: This can vary greatly from species to species, and so should be researched.
  • Dietary Requirements: Good quality pellet formulated for each specific parrot type is ideal. Standard seed mix should have at least 6 varieties of seed included. Supplement with fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. Avoid avocados, sunflower seeds, fatty foods, chocolate and foods containing caffeine. Some parrots require grit to aid digestion so research individual types. A constant supply of fresh water.
  • Environmental Requirements:
    Cages should be as large as possible. The bird should be able to at least stretch and flap its wings and ideally even make short flights. Horizontal bars or ladders should be provided for climbing and natural branches available for perching. Toys should be provided to relieve boredom. Rotate toys regularly and also try puzzle toys. Parrots require approximately 12 hours of natural light (can substitute with a broad spectrum fluorescent tube). The cage should be covered as necessary to ensure 12 hours of darkness and normal sleeping. Always locate away from strong sunlight, draughts, fumes etc. Birds should be misted daily with warm water. An indoor or partly indoor aviary is suitable for the Irish climate. Multiple perches and a sleeping area should be available. Certain potted plants are suitable but beware of poisonous varieties. Provide shallow water bowls for bathing. A double safety door is useful.

Common Ailments:

  • Skin Disease: Ectoparasites- mites and lice. Bacterial skin disease- cellulitis and bumble foot. Feather plucking- often a wide range of underlying causes. Psittacine beak and feather disease. Avipox virus.
  • Respiratory Disease- Psittacosis (chlamydial infection)- usually causes conjunctivitis and upper respiratory symptoms -can be spread to humans ( can cause flu symptoms which can progress to pneumonia . Fungal, nutritional, toxins and foreign bodies are other causes of respiratory disease.

Preventative Medicine:

  • Yearly Veterinary health checks recommended.
  • Nail clipping as required.
  • Wing clipping is sometimes advocated to restrict flight but is generally not recommended due to the increased levels of stress it can cause.
  • Supplementation of vitamins A and E sometimes required for malnourished parrots.
  • Handle regularly to reduce future stress at vet visits.


Basic Statistics:

  • Average lifespan 7-10 years.
  • Age at puberty 6 months.
  • Average incubation 16-18 days.
  • Adult Size 20-85 g.

General Facts

  • Single vs. Multiple: Social birds so often kept in pairs if enough space. However male pairs may fight.
  • Dietary Requirements: Good quality budgie pellet or seed mix with at least 6 varieties of seed. This can be supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables, but take care with overall volumes as sedentary budgerigars can become obese. Supply grit regularly and a constant supply of fresh water.
  • Environmental Requirements:
    Cages should be as large as possible and should allow for short flights. Horizontal bars and ladders as well as natural branches should be provided for climbing and perching. Water and feed bowls should be attached and away from any faecal contamination. Water bath or daily misting with warm water. Toys should be provided in rotation such as mirrors, cardboard boxes and egg boxes to prevent boredom. Remember that 12 hours of daylight is maximal and so cages may need to be covered if necessary. Locate cages away from direct sunlight, draughts, fumes and smoke. Avaries are a more spacious alternative- budgies can be kept in larger groups or with other species such as finches. Requirements as above with at least part of the aviary indoors for perching and sleeping.

Common Ailments:

  • Skin problems: Ectoparasites- feather mites, skin mites, lice. Polyoma virus. Avipox virus. Feather plucking (rare)
  • Respiratory diseases: Bacterial, fungal or viral causes. Foreign bodies, which are often small seeds or mites. Toxins- carbon monoxide, cooking fumes. Thyroid hyperplasia (due to lack of iodine). Parasites- syngamus trachea.
  • Tumours.

Preventative Medicine:

  • Yearly Veterinary health checks to include possible nail/ beak clipping if necessary. Handle budgies regularly to reduce the stress of Veterinary treatments, which in some cases can cause stress related death.
  • Ensure you feed a good quality seed mix with enough iodine to prevent thyroid problems.

Other AnimalsCanaries

Basic Statistics:

  • Average lifespan 7-10 years.
  • Age at puberty 1 year.
  • Average incubation 13-14 days.
  • Adult size 12-30 g.

General Facts

  • Single vs. Multiple: Can be kept in pairs or groups but paired males often fight
  • Dietary Requirements: Good quality complete canary pellet or suitable seed mix (should have at least 6 varieties of small seed). Supplement with fresh fruit and vegetables. Grit can be supplied to aid digestion and always have a constant supply of fresh water.
  • Environmental Requirements: Cages should be as large as possible and should allow for short flights. Horizontal bars and ladders as well as natural branches should be provided for climbing and perching. Water and feed bowls should be attached and away from any faecal contamination. Water bath or daily misting with warm water. Toys should be provided in rotation such as mirrors, cardboard boxes and egg boxes to prevent boredom. Remember that 12 hours of daylight is maximal and so cages may need to be covered if necessary. Locate cages away from direct sunlight, draughts, fumes and smoke. Avaries are a more spacious alternative – they can be kept in larger groups or with other species such as finches. Requirements as above with at least part of the aviary indoors for perching and sleeping.

Common Ailments:

  • Skin Problems: Ectoparasites- feather mites may cause anaemiain severe infestations., skin mites, lice.
  • Bacterial skin disease. Avipox virus.
  • Respiratory Disease: Bacterial,fungal, toxins, foreign bodies, parasites (sternastoma, tracheacolum, tracheal mites).
  • Gastrointestinal Disease:Watery stools- giardia, coccidia.
  • Incoordination/Head tilt- head trauma, ear infection, stroke.

Preventative Medicine:

  • Yearly Veterinary health checks to include possible nail/ beak clipping if necessary. Handle budgies regularly to reduce the stress of Veterinary treatments, which in some cases can cause stress related death.